Do you want to learn how to make an origami camel? It’s actually a lot simpler than you might think! Follow my guide below and in no time, you’ll be able to create this adorable origami camel all on your own. Ready? Let’s get started!
How To Make A Simple Origami Camel Video Instructions
There you have it! The video I have made should make it more than easy enough to make your first origami camel. As always you can get as creative as you would like with this. Use whatever colored paper you want and you can even decorate your origami camel to your heart’s content! Now, if you prefer to learn in ways other than videos I have also prepared a step-by-step illustrated guide for you to follow along too down below!
How To Make A Simple Origami Camel Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Folding the Top Corner Downward
Begin with a square piece of paper and fold the top corner down to meet the bottom corner, creating a triangle. Press the fold firmly to create a sharp crease.
2. Folding and Unfolding the Triangle
Take the triangle you created and fold it in half from right to left. Press the fold firmly, then unfold to reveal a central crease.
3. Squash Folding the Right Corner
Perform a squash fold on the right corner of the triangle by opening it up and flattening it down, following the creases you created in the previous steps.
4. Flipping the Paper Over
Carefully flip the paper over, ensuring that all folds and creases remain intact.
5. Squash Folding the Corner Flap
Open up the flap on the corner and squash fold it down, aligning the edges and pressing firmly to create a sharp crease.
6. Folding and Unfolding Along Dotted Lines
Fold the paper along the dotted lines indicated in the reference image, then unfold all of them, creating creases that will guide future folds.
7. Opening and Folding the Top Layer
Pull the top layer of the paper upwards, using the creases from the previous step to guide the fold. Flatten the paper along these creases.
8. Completing a Petal Fold
Fold both sides of the paper inward along the creases created earlier to complete a petal fold. Press the folds firmly to create sharp creases.
9. Turning the Paper Over
Carefully turn the paper over, ensuring that all folds and creases remain intact.
10. Repeating Folds on the Opposite Side
Repeat all the folds you made on the other side on this side.
11. Folding Both Sides Along Dotted Lines
Fold over the dotted lines on both sides of your paper.
12. Performing Inside Reverse Folds
Perform an inside reverse fold on both sides of the paper by pushing the paper inward along the creases created in the previous step.
13. Creating the Camel’s Back Legs
Use a reverse fold on the back side of the paper to shape the camel’s back legs, following the creases and guidelines provided in the reference image.
14. Folding Front Legs on Both Sides
Fold the top flap down along the dotted lines on both sides of the paper to create the camel’s front legs. Press the folds firmly to create sharp creases.
15. Reverse Folding the Camel’s Head
Perform a reverse fold on the tip of the front flap to create the camel’s head, using the creases and guidelines provided in the reference image.
16. Inside Reverse Folding the Head
Perform an inside reverse fold on the tip of the camel’s head to give it shape, following the creases and guidelines provided in the reference image.
17. Shaping the Camel’s Legs
Fold the back of the camel’s legs inward on both sides, pressing firmly to create sharp creases and give the camel its proper shape.
18. Admiring the Final Origami Camel
Congratulations! You have successfully completed your origami camel. Take a moment to admire your intricate creation and consider making more to create a delightful collection of paper camels.
Now that you have both a video and illustrated instructions there should be no reason that you haven’t created your first origami camel. You should be close to a pro with this creation now! Next up, you’ll find the same instruction you see above but in a downloadable and printable format. Just in case you need them in your back pocket for quick reference!
How To Make A Simple Origami Camel Printable Instructions
Thank you for reading my origami tutorial. I hope you have fun following along and making your own camel. Be sure to check out my other origami creations, as well as some of the amazing things other people have made on YouTube and Instructables. There is so much to learn in the world of origami, so keep practicing and folding those papers!